I am a Psychic/Medium, Intuitive Tarot Reader, and a Celestial Shaman. My goal is to guide you to walk on your own and to enable your empowerment.
I became drawn to the tarot after I was laid off at the beginning of the pandemic. In between job searching, I read books and watched videos, learning what I could as a means of stress relief. Wanting to put into action what I was learning, I practiced with my friends and family. That wasn’t enough to satisfy my desire to do more, so I started to post videos on YouTube. The momentum in my work with the tarot started to build, so I ceased my job search activities altogether. It was obvious where my work was meant to be.
Throughout these tides of change and even before then, I maintained my daily meditation practice while attending spiritual retreats. This has been vital to my wellbeing as well as honing my intuition—elements that have been invaluable to developing my signature as a tarot practitioner.
Through my readings, my hope is for you to experience the blessings that the tarot can provide for you, in the same way that it has done for me.